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  • Writer's pictureKarina Sorensen

Creations & Art Therapy

I am back from Brazil! Which is not exciting at all, as I wish I could've stayed there longer. However, I am coming home to multiple art ventures & projects which I AM excited about! And, btw, I was able to shoot a full roll of film on my trip so I can't wait to get that developed.

I wasn't stoked to immediately come back to the beginning of the semester, but we did create art and I'm feeling refreshed & energized for all of these upcoming projects. We had to "create & show who you are authentically" to bring in for the first class. I chose to collage both my "inside" and my "outside," using the earth as my inspiration thanks to my recent travels & adventures.

As daunting as a new upcoming semester can be, I am always so inspired and excited for all of my classes. For those who don't know, I am going for my Master of Arts in Art Therapy and Counseling at Albertus Magnus. Each class is endlessly fascinating, as is the artwork we create, discuss, and work with ourselves. I would like to share more of that this semester on my Instagram (& new blog!) instead of just my fine arts. Excited to continue on this journey, & here's to the first piece of the semester!

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